Category Archives: Uncategorized
Bean Pie and Black Muslims
Last week, I made a bunch of bean pies for my students and colleagues. This is all that was left of the four pies I made. This dessert, which is rarely found outside of African American Muslim communities and urban … Continue reading
In “the Grand Tradition”(1): A Reflection on the Passing of John H. Bracey, Jr., a pioneer of Black Studies
By Andrew Rosa, Western Kentucky University “To teach is to mentor, and to mentor is to teach and lead students out,” John H. Bracey, Jr., 2019 Historians are, by and large, not noted for introspection. Our calling requires us to … Continue reading
Juneteenth, Trump, and the Making of an American Holiday
There is no shortage of gaffes from this current presidential administration when it comes to opining on the African American past. First, there was Donald Trump’s commentary last year, on the 19th century radical abolitionist Frederick Douglass, whose death he … Continue reading